Dolphin Way: Rise of the Guardians Read online

Page 15

  ‘The Xenthos thank the Ka-Tse for your hospitality and wish that the waves always follow you and that Senx smiles upon you. This zeta’s name in your language is Trevally Outpaced.’

  Cloud Passing moved into the circle and bowed in return. ‘We thank the Xenthos for allowing you to join us. You honour our clans with your journey, which was long, even for the renownedly fleet Xenthos.’

  Trevally Outpaced smiled at the compliment and bowed again. Cloud Passing continued, ‘Forgive me for being direct, but you and I have spoken of this at some length. You know of the concerns that we have about the shortage of prey. For many centuries we have agreed quotas for hunting with the Xenthos, the Xa-Hana and others. In spite of these quotas we are seeing a dramatic fall in key species. Many clans are going hungry and do not understand why the fish stocks do not replenish as they once did.’

  The envoy nodded gravely. ‘The Xenthos have the same concerns, and I have spoken to clans of the Xa-Hana and other zetii; they all say the stocks are diminishing.’

  Suddenly North Wind pushed forward and interrupted: ‘Then tell them to stop breaking the quotas so the prey can breed and replenish!’

  There was a shocked silence then Silent Waters spoke, her voice icy. ‘Councillor North Wind will leave this meeting. Now.’

  He stared at her defiantly for a moment and looked about to speak, but then suddenly turned and swam rapidly off, his awkward swimming style jerking his body up and down.

  Silent Waters turned to the envoy whose body was stiff with anger. ‘Please accept the apologies of the Grand Council for that outburst.’

  Trevally Outpaced’s posture softened slightly and he nodded. ‘I can yet understand the emotion of that zeta,’ he said at last, ‘I have to tell you that some of my kind have had similar thoughts of the other zetii species, but I am here to tell you that the Xenthos do uphold the quotas, even though our children go hungry at times!’

  Old Cloud Passing spoke again now, his voice calming and reasoned. ‘These are sad times when zeta mistrusts zeta. Most of us know the likely true reason for the shortages, and it is not due to the excesses of any of the zeta kinds. We must build trust again between us. Trevally Outpaced and I have discussed this and he has suggested that we send one of our own to spend two moons with his clan as a gesture of good faith. Our emissary can then return with one of the Xenthos who can spend time with the Ka-Tse. Both sides will see for themselves if the quotas are being followed. Later, perhaps we can make a similar offer to the Xa-Hana and others.’

  Green Wave Falling sought permission to speak and it was granted. ‘This zeta gives thanks to the Council for their consideration and fully supports this wise motion. Our envoy to the Xenthos should be one of the elders who can represent our interests properly and follow proper protocols in this key mission. This zeta should be honoured if the Grand Council would consider him for this purpose.’ He bowed backwards into the circle again.

  There were some murmurs of assent from the elders, but Trevally Outpaced spoke again, apparently choosing his words carefully.

  ‘The Xenthos would indeed be highly honoured to have such a wise zeta amongst them, but I would make one observation that may be important. As you know, we Xenthos do not love the nearness of the land as do the Ka-Tse. Our home is the deep waters of the open sea. We swim hard and fast and we dive deep; it is our way. These sixty days may be…taxing for a Ka-Tse and youth may be a more…’ he searched for the words, ‘pressing attribute for your ambassador than wisdom.’

  Green Wave Falling spoke again, his expression stony, ‘This zeta understands the concerns Trevally Outpaced outlines and suggests that in the circumstances we choose another, younger zeta.’

  Sky nervously signalled that he wished to speak. Silent Waters gave permission, saying: ‘The Grand Council recognises this clan’s Voice of Youth.’

  Sky began speaking in a normal tone, concentrating on following the proper protocol. He soon realised that some of the elders were struggling to hear him though, and raised his voice. ‘This zeta gives thanks to the Council for their consideration and suggests that a good candidate for this mission would be Silent Waters’ own son, Deneb Rising. I know that he even speaks some of the Xenthos tongue.’

  Silent Waters looked surprised, but it was clear that the suggestion was well received by the elders so she assented. ‘When shall this take place then?’ she asked.

  Trevally Outpaced answered, ‘My clan is due to be passing near here soon. I should try to rendezvous with them now, and I could return to collect your son in three days time.’

  ‘Then perhaps this zeta can assist in a lesser capacity.’ Green Wave Falling said. ‘Our clan may not still be in this bay in three days time. However, I know of a rock arch to the east of this bay that makes a good meeting point. I could escort Trevally Outpaced to it when he leaves us today and then take Deneb Rising to it for the meeting in three days time. I can then also at least ensure that our own ambassador has some coaching on proper protocols before he departs.’

  Silent Waters nodded seeing that this was well received by the assembled elders. ‘The Grand Council asks the respected Councillor Green Wave Falling to make it so. Let us thank the good Trevally Outpaced for his time here today. It is to be hoped that in two moons time, when my son and he return again, a new period of trust and cooperation between the zetii will begin. We should also thank Passing Cloud for his efforts in negotiating this arrangement.’

  Trevally Outpaced indicated his desire to speak, and at Silent Waters gestured invitation, spoke to them all, but with his eyes mainly on the old male dolphin.

  ‘We Xenthos have had little contact with your kind of late, but we have been honoured to have had these dealings with Passing Cloud. His wisdom and sensitivity have been an inspiration to us and I think I speak for many when I say that I was saddened to learn that this is his last Grand Council meeting. The Ka-Tse will be the poorer for it. For myself, from the brief time I have spent in his company, I feel privileged to say thank you, Passing Cloud-Jeii.’

  Passing Cloud looked pleased but very embarrassed at the compliment. Silent Waters moved to help her old friend by closing the meeting. ‘These are words well spoken and they will resonate in many hearts here. There are many here who feel honoured to call this fine zeta Jeii. Tomorrow is the last day of the Gathering, and as you know we close it with a very special ceremony at noon. I am sure you will all wish to make your personal farewells with him before then. Thank you all again for coming so far to be with us here.’

  Chapter 25

  “I see my lover approach

  Her sweet face

  Graceful movements

  Senx sprinkles her back

  With dancing light

  She comes to me

  My heart leaps

  Her mouth opens to speak

  I await her words’ caress

  But she pours forth venom!

  Who committed such wickedness

  Whilst I slept

  That looked so like me?”

  - Three Standing Shells (13,282 -13,325 post Great Alluvium)

  Taking advantage of the last of the light, Sky made his way along the shore line looking for something to eat. He had passed several others in twos and threes when he heard up ahead another dolphin probing the sand with sound. With a thrill he recognised it as Dusk. He called out his signature call: ‘It is I, Touches The Sky!’

  Dusk responded and appeared out of the blue up ahead. He smiled, ‘What are you doing, Dusk?’

  ‘Just trying to find something to eat. I don’t have much time, we’ve a big meeting of Starwriters from all the clans this evening — we are decoding a complicated song with lots of harmonic layers. It’s the kind of thing we can only do at a Gathering. What’re you doing?’

  ‘Hunting too — haven’t found anything though.’

  She shook her head in frustration.

  ‘Nor have I, and I am so hungry. What’s worse is that the visitors are having problems findin
g enough to eat. They’re too polite to say anything, but it’s really embarrassing as we’re the host clan this time.’

  ‘Well, I don’t think anyone would blame us. Everyone knows that most of the prey stocks are at record low levels. That’s what they were talking about at the Grand Council meeting today.’

  ‘Really!’ she exclaimed, ‘And what good will that do I? All this talking and nothing ever happens!’

  Suddenly she shot up through the surface and flew high in the air, spinning rapidly as she flew. Sky smiled to himself and waited for her to reappear. She was prone to make these explosive leaps when she was very happy or very angry. He loved her passion but knew she was working herself up to a rant about something. She crashed back into the water with a blizzard of bubbles and swam back to him.

  ‘Ooh, I needed that! So tell me, now that you’re suddenly a Grand Council member; what’s going on? Those elders talk and talk and nothing changes. I heard that you even had a Xenthos at the meeting. I hope you all gave him a hard time! Those Xenthos are taking food that is rightfully ours.’

  ‘Dusk, you can’t believe that stuff. There is no proof that they’re taking more than their share of the quotas. The Xenthos zeta seemed genuine enough to me, I think they’ve got the same problems as us — he said that some of the Xenthos are thinking the same things about the Ka-Tse.’

  ‘You can’t believe what he says — they’re trying to trick us. They must be eating more than their share — look at them swimming around in those huge clans; sometimes a thousand at a time; when they go through an area they strip it bare of all living things. And I’ve heard that they are breeding out of control, they are just increasing in numbers so that they can dominate the other zetii — we’ll be unable to compete with them.’

  ‘That’s nonsense. Who told you all this stuff?’

  ‘I don’t remember! A friend! Someone who knows we need to actually do something instead of just talking about it!’

  ‘Dusk, you need to change your friends then, they are filling your head with poison. Think about what you’re saying for a moment — think about the Way.’

  ‘Sky, you idiot, you sound like these old fools who can’t see that everything is different now. Ocean has changed, the Way was written for some lost romantic age. The Ka-Tse must act to survive! How can you be so weak!’

  She stared at him for a moment, her expression pleading. He was nonplussed at her anger and did not know what to say. With a hard shake of her head, she was gone, swimming back in the direction of the clan. Sky was shocked and confused. Meeting her again he had been filled with happiness, he had dared to think to himself for a moment, that maybe it was true, maybe he was in love with this crazy, passionate creature. But then she had crushed him again — seemed to despise him even, and the things she believed now! Something or someone was changing her. He resolved to find out exactly what or who it was. He would start by going along to the Starwriters’ song. Maybe he would see something there, or perhaps find out where Dusk went when she vanished late in the evenings. Then he remembered that Venus In Mist should be at the song too. He shook his head. Perhaps he might even find out what he had done to offend her too! He was about to go when he noticed a movement. On the edge of visibility he faintly saw the shape of something big moving. He sent a stream of sonar in that direction. There were four large dolphins out there. They were spreading apart to either side of him, but not using their own echolocation.

  ‘It is I, Touches The Sky, of the Dune Coast Clan!’

  No reply. Now the two outer ones started to move towards the shore, still staying at the edge of visibility, still not using their sonar.

  Sky started to feel a coldness inside him, and remembered Cloud Passing’s warning that he should not leave the clan alone.

  ‘It is I, Touches The Sky, of the Dune Coast Clan! Are you our guests?’

  This time there was a short, harsh laugh in reply.

  Sky turned and started to swim back towards the clan. At once the four dolphins started to move in towards him rapidly, so he swam at full speed. The four matched his pace, two behind him, one each side and closing. His tail pumped furiously up and down, his heartbeat hammered in his head, but still his pursuers kept pace. Now they were using their echolocation freely, and he could tell by the sound that the two flanking dolphins were closing in on him, narrowing the gap between them. He knew it was still a long swim to the clan, and he did not see how he could make it. Now the two dolphins were each only a body length away from him, and he heard a grunted command from behind him.

  ‘Get ready…’

  Suddenly, appearing from the blue ahead of him there was a group of ten or more dolphins coming towards him! At first he thought it was more of the Guardians, but then he realised it must be a hunting party from one of the visiting clans. Without a word his pursuers turned and sped off back the way they had come, vanishing in a moment.

  The leading dolphins from the hunting party shouted cheerful greetings to Sky and asked if he had seen any prey. Clearly they had not realised anything strange had been happening. Probably just thought the other four dolphins were hunters too. And they were right, he reflected grimly.

  Chapter 26

  “Keep this flicker of light in your heart for me.

  I cannot keep it longer in mine.”

  - Ankaa Ascendant (11,688 – 11,731 post Great Alluvium)

  Sky was threading his way through the bustle of visiting dolphins towards the west end of the bay when he saw ahead of him a group of the visiting elders from the other clans gathered together. As he was about to swim past them, a dolphin excused himself from the group. Sky recognised his old teacher, Passing Cloud.

  He moved alongside him, saying, ‘It is I, Touches The Sky.’

  The old dolphin looked pleased. ‘Ah, Sky. How is everything?’

  Sky explained what had just happened; his mentor listened quietly, a concerned look in his misty eyes.

  ‘Jeii, you told me not to leave the clan alone. I am sorry.’

  ‘Well, never mind, you are safe, and I have some news — I have made arrangements that a senior Aligner will come here to our clan to take over your training in a few days. That was the last thing I needed to organise, so I can relax now. I am very glad you are here, I was hoping to have a few words with you before I go. Swim with me for a while.’

  Sky fell alongside him. Although he knew what tomorrow would bring, hearing the old one say “before I go” in such a matter-of-fact way suddenly brought home that this was the last time he would speak to him alone. Of all his teachers, Passing Cloud had impressed him the most. Every word he said was carefully considered, every thought in tune with the spirit of the Way, but not with the oppressive, axiomatic style of Green Wave Falling. Instead he would explain the whys of each question, or, more commonly, he allowed his students to discover them for themselves. For a long time Sky had not even realised that he was doing it, and then one day he had made the passing comment, “a lesson learned may be lost, a lesson discovered lasts forever.” Sky realised then this was part of his art. He did not drag his students wearily behind him to new knowledge; he set them in a good direction and let them discover it for themselves; providing guidance and interpretation where they needed it.

  Sky summoned up the courage to ask what had been on his mind in the last days: ‘Jeii, tomorrow you’ll make your Darkening Dive. Why are you leaving us? You’re so loved here.’

  The old dolphin looked touched but pretended to speak in a scolding way. Still, his smiling eyes showed he was not serious. ‘Now, now; we have discussed this before Sky. You know that every zeta has the right to choose the manner of their own passing. It is an elemental part of the Way: Right to Life, Right to Death. I hope you are not trying to change my mind.’

  ‘No, Jeii, of course not, but if you could tell me why this is a good thing it would help me be at peace with it. We’ll miss you so.’

  ‘And I shall miss all of you. Especially you, young Sky. You were one
of my finest students. You have an instinctive understanding of many refined concepts that other Novices have to learn by rote, which is why I have selected you for a special path. In a way that, in part, is an answer to your question. I am so very old now. I made plenty of foolish mistakes when I was younger, but as I aged I gradually found the inner meanings of the Way and at last learned who I was, what I might be, and how to become at one with Ocean. In the last part of my life I have enjoyed knowing at last what was important. I also learned what I might be able to change for the better and promised myself that whatever I could do, I would. I have lived by that rule for some time now and admit that I am quite proud of my success in keeping to it. But now it becomes hard. My mind knows what I should do, but my body tires of following its orders. I carry a companion with me all the time now: my pain. I control him, but it is a long struggle, and while I seem to tire more easily these days, he never does. I think I would like a rest now. I have done all I set out to do. If I stayed now, my life would become too much of a compromise.’

  Sky could not think of anything to say. Cloud Passing continued on, ‘Some make the Darkening Dive as an easy way out; some because they dread the thought of a long illness; the painful struggle at the back of the clan on a migration; the shadowing Cleaner waiting patiently behind. But many reach a point in their lives when they have accomplished all that they wished; have fulfilled their responsibilities, seen their young grow up, and want to say goodbye with a clear mind. They want to be remembered as they always were in their own mind’s eye: full of life and love; not some sickly creature that burdened those it loved. I have had a good life and I now would like to have a good death. I want to meet her at a time and place of my choice. Tomorrow I shall be surrounded by friends this one last time and I shall enjoy it. Beside, I am sure they will feel obliged to say some nice things in the circumstances!’ He laughed at Sky’s discomfort at his joke.